Movement Analysis
By analyzing your movement in 10 short exercises, we’ll help you gain a clearer understanding of how your body moves by providing you with a comprehensive, detailed report noting strengths, as well as any restrictions, imbalances, or inefficiencies we may see.
Our expert analysis offers insight into potential causes, as well as practical solutions, to help you better pursue your fitness goals: relieving and preventing pain, improving aesthetics and gym performance, and simply moving better.
$150 Value — Absolutely FREE!
1. Review the exercise clips
View the 10 exercise videos in our HMB YouTube playlist. You'll perform these exercises yourself, as a short workout.

2. Complete & record your short workout
Return to the first video, and set up your phone or laptop in a place where you (and we!) will be able to see your motions and posture. Be sure you're wearing comfortable workout clothes that fit as closely to the body as you are comfortable, to allow us to assess as accurately as possible. You'll record each exercise individually.
3. Submit your videos
You're welcome to submit your videos through the option you consider easiest. We have some participants use Instagram, while others use email
To streamline the submission process, we can also send you a link to a personal Google Drive folder.
4. Receive your Movement Analysis!
Each analysis includes basic information about each exercise, including why we chose it – usually because of how applicable the movement is to everyday life!
It's not always easy to see how your body is moving, even using a mirror. Your analysis will report any strengths, imbalances, or inefficiencies we may see, to guide you in finding focuses to optimize your physical health.

This is an example of an imbalance, and this HMB member has decided to actively work on it!

You'll learn possible causes, as well as possible solutions, for you to consider along your fitness journey.

Make your workouts work for you. Ready to get started?
If you have questions, we're here to answer them: